Ben Moon
Telling connective human stories is what Ben Moon is all about. He is a filmmaker and photographer whose vibrant, emotional images have been a staple of the surf, climbing, and outdoor communities for more than 20 years.
Exploration was his original muse, and his pursuit of adventure has taken him around the world, building a community of collaborators along the way. In 2015, Ben founded his production company, Moonhouse, as a platform for friends and creatives to bring a wide range of thought-provoking, impactful, visually beautiful stories to life.
Ben’s been tapped as a go-to photographer and filmmaker for a range of brands looking to tell him human stories that celebrate the natural world. His work has helped shape the marketing and visual storytelling of companies such as Rivian, Patagonia, Yeti, Sony, Adidas, Subaru and many others.
Over the years Ben has also looked for opportunities to open up and share his own personal story. He revisited his battle with colorectal cancer in his 20s in the viral short film Denali that has touched over 13 million viewers. Ben followed that viral film with a memoir called Denali: A Man, a Dog, and the Friendship of a Lifetime and he speaks in person about his evolution as an artist and a person over the course of his career.
Ben currently lives on the wild Oregon coast where, in addition to his creative work, he built his own home.
- Founder and owner of Moonhouse production company, 2015
- Author of Denali:Denali: A Man, A Dog, and The Friendship of a Lifetime, a memoir
- Vimeo Staff Pick and 13+ million views for his short film, Denali
Follow Ben’s Adventures

There's no easy way
to say goodbye to a friend.
One man's quest to protect an island he loves.
Watch the award-winning film: Rabbit Island
A portrait of a pitcher: Daniel Norris' journey to find perspective.
Watch the teaser for Ben's upcoming film