Scott Jurek
Ultrarunner / Author
Scott is an ultrarunning legend. Over a two decade career, he's garnered countless accolades from publications like Runners World, National Geographic and Sports Illustrated, who named him a 50 Most Fit Athlete in Sports in 2017. His long list of accomplishments include winning the prestigious Western States 100 seven times, and breaking the Appalachian Trail record (2,189 miles in 46 days). Scott is also a thought leaders on nutrition and the plant-based diet, authoring the best-seller Eat & Run on the subject.
An experienced speaker, Scott inspires while touching on topics such as pushing through perceived limits and overcoming challenges, themes on which few have more authority. Scott, a recognized leader in the field of nutrition, is also often called upon to discuss his personal road towards a plant-based diet and the science behind it. He’s lent his experience to a range of audiences including Apple, Google, financial institutions and many others.